<environment: namespace:stats>
Using rjags in a quarto document lacks comforts such as a progress bar due to knitr complications. But can we leverage the power of R to workaround such an issue?
Josh Cowley
September 1, 2022
For those involved in Bayesian statistics, inferences often lie behind some Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithm that must be created to fit the model. There are commonly two approaches to this problem
imperative programming: steps are executed in a logical order language such as R or Python.
declarative programming where the model or desired outcome is explained and any details on how to compute this is left to the program.
JAGS (Plummer 2003) as in “Just Another Gibbs Sampler”, is one such language that is designed to work with R, although the actual implementation is written in C++, presumable for optimisation reasons.
Various tutorials on JAGS can be found elsewhere and the official website for JAGS (https://sourceforge.net/projects/mcmc-jags/) has a user manual and forum for further reading.
RJAGS only produces a progress bar when the session is interactive
, which is not the case when knitting in R markdown or Quarto. Hence, a model with a long runtime within a report workflow will not show updates and leave the user unsure if the code is even still running!
We see this explicitly within the internal update.jags
method, line 35,
One easy solution would be to execute a script offline, save the results, then load the object during the report compilation stage.
However, I find this solution unsatisfactory as I prefer a workflow where the model fitting and report generation are intertwined; each fit results in a report to be discussed and analysed.
Initially I tried sampling sequentially and placing the results into an array piece by piece. This becomes complicated when thinning is involved as the sampler is still moving but only every n-th sample is to be saved. My main argument against this is the unreadability and high risk of unintended bugs.
Recall, our issue is with code in the update.jags
method, that is the generic stats::update
is called first which delegates to the update.jags
method based on class. See https://adv-r.hadley.nz/s3.html for more information.
Hence, we could create a subclass of jags
along with a new update
method. By inheritance, we would still have all functionality of the original but with a more Quarto-friendly update method.
Unfortunately, the first line of the jags.samples
source code is
If we made a subclass, then class(model)
would be c("jags_subclass", "jags")
and an error would be thrown, any extensibility to JAGS model is denied. We would ideally see,
but that is simply not the case.
We plan to take advantage of how functions and environments work in R, specifically,
each function is associated with an environment;
whenever a package is loaded, it is added as a parent of the current environment
The second point is not strictly true as the reality is much more complex, but how R finds a function associated with a package is important.
For example, each exported function is associated with a namespace,
and by loading rlang
, making its functions available, it becomes the direct parent of the global environment.
[[1]] $ <env: package:rlang>
[[2]] $ <env: package:palmerpenguins>
[[3]] $ <env: package:rjags>
[[4]] $ <env: package:coda>
[[5]] $ <env: tools:quarto>
[[6]] $ <env: package:stats>
[[7]] $ <env: package:graphics>
[[8]] $ <env: package:grDevices>
[[9]] $ <env: package:datasets>
[[10]] $ <env: renv:shims>
[[11]] $ <env: package:utils>
[[12]] $ <env: package:methods>
[[13]] $ <env: Autoloads>
[[14]] $ <env: package:base>
[[15]] $ <env: empty>
So, we can modify functions that are to be called within other functions beyond our control by leveraging the environment of the function.
For example, suppose we want to modify is.matrix
when it is called somewhere in lm
We can achieves this by
creating a copy of lm
changing its environment to a new (empty) environment
make this new environment a child of the packages namespace;
modifying is.matrix
within the new environment;
calling the copy of lm
with this modified environment.
The created environment is a child of the namespace so the top-level functions (in this case, lm
) can access internal functions.
Applying these ideas to the problem at hand, we can introduce a better progress bar into jags.samples
using knitrProgressBar and even add documentation to put it into a package.
#' Notebook Friendly Version of `jags.samples()`
#' Modified version of \code{\link[rjags]{jags.samples}} that incorporates
#' [https://rmflight.github.io/knitrProgressBar/]{knitrProgressBar}.
#' @param ... passed to \code{\link[rjags]{jags.samples}}.
#' @export
jags_samples_quarto <- function(...) {
jags_samples <- rjags::jags.samples
environment(jags_samples) <- new.env(parent = rlang::ns_env("rjags"))
environment(jags_samples)$update.jags <- function(object, n.iter, ...) {
# Create 100-length vector relaying n.iter for each update
sub_iters <- unname(table(cut(seq_len(n.iter), 100)))
if (n.iter < 100) sub_iters <- rep(1, n.iter)
pb <- knitrProgressBar::progress_estimated(length(sub_iters))
for (sub_iter in sub_iters) {
stats::update(object, n.iter = sub_iter, progress.bar = "none", ...)
To ensure this new method is creating results we expect, suppose we are interested in fitting a Bayesian linear regression model to the palmerpenguins dataset.
data("penguins", package = "palmerpenguins")
# Remove any observations with missing data
penguins <- stats::na.omit(penguins)
# Extract our response variable
y <- penguins$bill_length_mm
# Extract our explanatory variables with an added intercept
x <- cbind(Intercept = 1, penguins$bill_depth_mm, penguins$flipper_length_mm)
We store the following model specification in a .jags
text file.
In the above file, we see that we still need to set the prior hyper-parameters.
Now we are ready to create a model object,
discard any burn-in,
Using the rjags
version, we obtain posterior samples in fit_original
And our updated version holds posterior samples in fit_modified
Due to the stochastic nature of MCMC these two objects won’t be exactly equal but the posterior summaries should be very close.
Posterior means for the regression parameters:
And for the precision parameter:
Use environments in R to modify the update.jags
method add your own progress bars that work in Quarto.
For example,
#' Notebook Friendly Version of `jags.samples()`
#' Modified version of \code{\link[rjags]{jags.samples}} that incorporates
#' [https://rmflight.github.io/knitrProgressBar/]{knitrProgressBar}.
#' @param ... passed to \code{\link[rjags]{jags.samples}}.
#' @export
jags_samples_quarto <- function(...) {
jags_samples <- rjags::jags.samples
environment(jags_samples) <- new.env(parent = rlang::ns_env("rjags"))
environment(jags_samples)$update.jags <- function(object, n.iter, ...) {
# Create 100-length vector relaying n.iter for each update
sub_iters <- unname(table(cut(seq_len(n.iter), 100)))
if (n.iter < 100) sub_iters <- rep(1, n.iter)
pb <- knitrProgressBar::progress_estimated(length(sub_iters))
for (sub_iter in sub_iters) {
stats::update(object, n.iter = sub_iter, progress.bar = "none", ...)
Jack Foster. September 14th, 2020. “Brown bridge over body of water during daytime”. Source.